If you enjoy camping, festivals and other outdoor events, then a portable generator may be a good tool to have around. They will give you power in remote areas and can also be used at home during a power outage.
Here is a short-list of the best rated portable generators.
The easiest way to find the best portable generator reviews is by going to Amazon and searching for the product. Owners will provide reviews and ratings of the generator they own so you can be sure you are getting a high quality product. Below you can find a few models to consider..
Best Electric Start Portable Gas Generator
Durostar DS4400E Portable Generator Review

The Durostar DS4400E Portable Generator is the best electric start portable gas generator. It comes with a wheel kit and tool kit for easy transportation. It contains a flip down handle quick storage. It comes with multiple outlets including 2 20 amp 120 volts and a 120/240 volt 30 amp twist lock.
The built-in voltage regulator will prevent overloads. The engine can be started using the electrical starting system. It can provide power for up to 8 hours on half load and it is EPA certified.
It can hold four gallons of fuel and it has a low oil shut down to prevent damage to the engine. It has a steel frame roll cage to protect the engine from damage. It is rated for 3500 watts running and 4400 watts surge. It is non-carb compliant and cannot be purchased in California.
Best Portable Propane Generator under $1000
Generac 7117 Gp2200I Generator Review
The Generac 7117 Gp2200I Generator comes with a tank holder and has a weight of 46.6 pounds. The protective enclosure is quick access which makes it easy to reach inside to perform maintenance. This model runs at 2200 watts starting and 1700 watts running.
It contains many outlets including 2 120 volt 20 amps and 5 20 R Duplex outlets. It uses a recoil pull start and has a heavy duty 1/4 inch steel tube cage.
It contains never go flat tires so you can move it easily and it includes a two year warranty for residents and a one year warranty commercial. It is powered by an OHV engine. It is among the best portable generators reviews in 2025.
Top Rated Portable Generator under $1000
Westinghouse WH7500 Portable Generator Review

The Westinghouse WH7500 Portable Generator is sold with a wheel and handle kit that allows you to move it to wherever you need backup power. A three year limited warranty is also included with purchase. It is non carb compliant so it cannot be sold in California.
It has a pulse flo muffler that helps reduce the noise output and an electrical and manual starting systems. It can hold 6.6 gallons of fuel and it is powered by a 420cc OHV 4 stroke engine. It has a control panel that is easy to read and use along with an LCD hour meter that prevents overloads.
It has many outlets including 4 outlets of 120 volts and a 120/240 volt twist lock outlet. It has a full protection enclosure that keeps out rain and snow. It can provide power for up to 13 hours at 50% load and it runs at 9000 watts starting and 7500 watts running.
Best Small Gas Portable Generator
Champion Power Equipment 100573 DH Series Generator Review

The Champion Power Equipment 100573 DH Series Generator includes a wireless remote control that can be used from up to 80 feet away to start and run the unit. It operates on 3500 watts with 4000 watts starting.
It has a variety of outlets including a 120 volt duplex outlet and one 120 volt twist lock. The engine can run for up to twelve hours on 1/2 load. It is sold with a two year limited warranty at time of purchase. It is powered by a 196cc 4 stroke OHV engine.
The cast iron sleeve is designed to protect the engine. This affordable generator is one of the best portable generators reviews in 2025.
Click here to see more top rated portable generators
The generators listed above are the most popular choices when it comes to the top rated portable generators in 2025. They are highly rated, durable and are well-made. Each of them would make a good backup power source whenever you need it.